
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What motivates you to lose weight, and how do you feel now?

 A while ago I would have gone by scale numbers and not known if I was really healthy if not for the body fat monitor and weighing scale with body fat percentage measuring functionality

To reduce body fat percentage

Slowly but steadily as the weight goes down, the body fat % is reducing too. Being thin is the “skinny fat” trap.

To increase insulin sensitivity aka fix insulin resistance

After listening to Dr. Eric Berg’s videos on insulin resistance, I have become motivated to fix this.

To increase muscle

This is a corollary of reducing body fat % and continuing strength training. At some point I know I will never hit the previous weight numbers but I know I will be stronger due to the added muscle.

To become stronger

It amazes me that one can sweat and the heart rate can go as high as in cardio, with strength training.

To take care of self and feel good

Exercise and nutrition are flow moments of my day, where I feel good that I am taking care of my self and present for self and family.

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