
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, November 6, 2021

I’ve been in a calorie deficit for a while and I’ve lost quite a bit of weight, but all I’m eating is junk. how can I stop craving sugar and fuel my body with better food to give me more energy?

Psychological strategies can reduce your cravings

Congratulations that you are in a caloric deficit. That is a good place to help curb cravings. I hope the calories deficit is not more than 500 calories than your required daily calorie needs. Keep swapping out processed food for whole foods. Based on how entrenched you are in the cravings, you can use acceptance-based strategies to overcome this. Skipping snacking is another powerful move. To get there, add protein and healthy fats to your meal. Be patient and be kind to yourself as you go on this tough but necessary journey.

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