
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Whats the honking sound of sa?

While writing this letter ణ some kids gave extra loops to this letter, some going as far as making them look like some elements in an electric circuit.

One said that the bottom parts were the tires and the letter was a car. I asked her if she was taking the letters for a drive. The laughs started. I told her that each letter has a parking spot and all letters need to be parked in the right spot.

She had difficulty in remembering the order of the 5 letter group. I told her ka cha ta tha pa was a good nemonic to remember.

Then the laughs spilled again with ketchup.

Building on the car and parking theme, I said that each letter has its honking sound that it needs to be associated with.

Thats how I had fun teaching Telugu to kids and on the receiving side of the question - Whats the honking sound of sa.

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