
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, November 13, 2023

The power of Empathy


The Power of Empathy: A Thirty-Day Path to Personal Growth and Social Change


Empathy: Turning Compassion into Action

Learn from the young
Over the weekend, I spoke to a college student and felt so hopeful about our future as to how informed they are. I would extend this to learn about the young. Having read that adolescent brains take longer to sleep pressure at night, I can now empathize why my tween wont sleep at her elementary school time. Having an open mind to understand the world around, so they feel heard is what empathy is all about to me. To be able to receive information, we have to find ways to stay curious to keep the sense of wonder and not get complacent that we understand everything. Things change.

Day 2

Day 3 

Today I understand what was meant by any judgements associated with empathy. For this to make sense, we have to understand the situations where empathy will paralyse people from action eg doctors and other service profesional saving lives. 

types of empathy include cognitive, emotional and somatic

Can little actions bring big joy researchers say micro-acts can boost well-being

As I read Supercommunicators, I cant help but be amazed at how empathy is tied to understandinh others, sharing our vulnerabilities to make a connection. Mimicry to reciprocity. We are very strong wired to imitate our loved ones. I might be going a little far, talking like I have braces.

Participate in the bigjoy project

Day 4

While filling the survey for big joy project, I realised my privilege built on my parents hardwork. I should maintain a gratitude list. Todays activity for Big joy project was to "dwell in awe".

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