
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Talking to a professional

 If you get your highschooler to talk to a professional, what do you expect the kid to learn?

Colleges do this too with freshman required to attend a career night where they get to ask professionals about their day to day work and how they ended up in their career and the courses they took.

In a recent session, I spoke to a student and showed her some chips, what semiconductor industry is. Made sure that she knew the concept of industry - eg auto industry.

This is a good time to remember to use the 5 levels.

blossoms MIT

kids at this age wonder why they need to study courses they dont like for eg chemistry

I told a little bit about interdisciplinary, multiperspectivity. Importance of talking to different kinds of people. Inclusivity.

I found a chance to tell about Hachimoji DNA with 8 letters. She connected to it as she just started learning about the 4 letter DNA.

I suggested planning and taking up mini projects.

tours of any fabs or companies nearby

drive goals through your projects

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