When I started researching about how Helmholtz of Helmholtz coil came up with the idea of canceling out Earth's magnetic field in connection with the magnetometer going to Jupiter's moon Europa to investigate the ice ocean -
I came across this quote in the Masters of Medicine book. It feels like all the earlier century innovators were 2-3 different careers slammed together.
Homines nulla in re propius ad Deos accedunt, quam Salutem Hominibus dando. - Cicero
“in no way do men draw nearer to the gods than in giving health to their fellow men.” Pro Ligario, xii,
To Benjamin Franklin from Alexander Small, 15 March 1777
As a kid, Helmholtz liked playing with wooden blocks.He picked up interest in literature and rhythmic poetry from his dad. Fables de Lokman
Unexpectly found this poem at the end of the book -
"STRONG Soul whose calm and almost God like mien
Eyes of unfathomable depth of thought.
And broad and lofty intellectual brow,
Betoken force and insight Shall I try
To tread the path you followed in the quest
Of Nature's truth? To live in your great thoughts
Is like to breathing a pure atmosphere
On lofty mountain peak in azure blue ,
While all around are pure white fields of snow ,
And all below is veiled in cloud and mist .
And when I find atomic mazy dance,
The swift winged lightning colour's sun born hues.
The tones of music and harmonious chords,
Fine movements and the throb of nervous thrills
That course so swiftly through this mortal frame,
The hidden work of wond rous ear and eye,
Are all made clear and plain; then comes the thought
That He Who made all these did also send
To this dull earth His own interpreter.
A great and gifted intellect like thine,
A child of genius, armed at every point
For all the glorious work that thou hast done,
Revealing Nature's plans; and thou hast shown
Man's soul is tuned to Nature, and reflects
All things, as does the surface of a lake
Reflect the glories of the earth and sky. "
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