
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Interdisciplinary studies

 program in science, technology and society MIT

explores the social and cultural dimensions of science and technology, and howthey shape and are shaped by society.

Program in Ethics, Politics and Economics at Yale combines philosophy to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues facing society today.

Sustainable Development Columbia University

"Sustainable development is founded on the premise that human well-being should advance without irreparable harm to ecosystems and the vital services they provide, without depleting essential resources, and without posing risks to future generations. The term "sustainable" refers to managing the world's economy in a manner consistent with the continued healthy functioning of Earth's ecosystems, oceans, atmosphere and climate. In this context, "development" refers to continued social, political, and economic progress aimed at improving the well-being of the global community, especially for the poorest people."

globalstudies virginia


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