
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Make chess interesting

 “I remove my queen and rook and I encourage them to defeat me—that way they get interested in the game.”  

Madras check


Aint that interesting? I learned from my kid that your pawn can go through the journey onto the other side and be resurrected as -- even a queen. I got to play today with one such resurrrected queen joining the original queen.

Its fun playing with online chess too. Sometimes, you see the unintended with the possible moves intended.In beginner stage it is very helpful to slowly steep in the alternatives and what else is at play. Its fun to plot some Zwischenzug. Its fun to identify Zugzwang situations. 

Feynman's Rules of Chess similarities and differences with laws of physics.

You can look at the snapshot of a game and get a sense of whats happening -- White pawns stemming the black

Shirov's games

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