
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, December 31, 2021

The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World


The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World

"The primary function of the telescope’s optics is to reduce the illusion that the stars are few, faint, twinkling and moving. The same is true of every feature of the telescope, and of all other scientific instruments: each layer of indirectness, through its associated theory, corrects errors, illusions, misleading perspectives and gaps." - David Deutsch

A good coach or mentor is like a telescope who can see from far, your shiny bright future that you cant see yet.

opensource knowledge creation prerequisites - energy, matter, evidence.

What technology to move material from stars?

point 21 on which technologies progress 

More time and space to detect more.

"But one thing we do know is that protecting ourselves from any disaster, foreseeable or not, or recovering from it once it has happened, requires knowledge; and knowledge has to be created. The harm that can flow from any innovation that does not destroy the growth of knowledge is always finite; the good can be unlimited." - David Deutsch

This explains the money spent by the count on a lensmaker during the plague. We are fragile. Humanity cannot retire. Recalls all the discussions about minimum knowledge we need to survive anywhere or making the 

Reinvent the wheel once in a while?

Our Final Century? : Will the Human Race Survive the Twenty-First Century? by Martin Rees

Need for people based theory in astrophysics, so Earth is not seen as uninhabited planet and mined dangerously for us.

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