
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Big Little Breakthroughs: How Small, Everyday Innovations Drive Oversized Results


Big Little Breakthroughs: How Small, Everyday Innovations Drive Oversized Results

The book starts off with how you can influence people's behavior my making it something personal that they care about i.e their opinion. Trewin Restorick making everyone an environmentalist by understanding human nature and bending the circumstances for good. There are many examples of how entrepreneurs have gone beyond their industry expectations when it comes to channel pivots. Lots of changes can be made to have a greater influence. I keep going back to Restoricks example where, who knew that the answer to making people leave the leftover cigarettes was to have more ashtrays and that too opiniated ones. Everyone wants to have their say. The book is very accessible with relatable products and decisions that have been taken to improve them.


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