
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, July 31, 2020

WK2 Day 3

Right way to do biceps

Removing all the rice cup size and mug cup size confusion, baking spoon/cup sizes is a good way to pack your food.

Although counting the macros is work, its like a tangram with some surprise pieces some times. Had to eat a peanut bar in a hurry. I was excited that garbanzos has lots of protein. I was shocked to see the carbs in that. To think we will size up the macros of a food is too much to ask of ourself. 

When I was at the right height of kneeling to watch a device, I wondered if kneeling is a good exercise. As kids it was a punishment but who knew all the core benefits of it. How Kneeling Stances turn upper body exercises into ab workouts. Should try this on the next upper body day.

Sometimes I wistfully think about days where I didnt have to think much about cooking during maintaining weight. I would cook some frozen mixed vegetable which would be enough for lunch and dinner along with some brown rice. Meet the protein count is bit of work.

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