
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Next in Line

Ashley Conrad

Day 1- 7/12
I was able to do uptil 35:20. I even went to 98% of my heart rate. Very fun workout. Lots of stretching. You breathe a lot as you would in yoga and concentrate on the breathing during stretching. Circuit one has repetition. The second time around, you feel ready for it as you know all the moves. In the exercise there are some lateral exercises. Ashley explains how at the gym, mostly we do the up and down but not many side exercises. I incorporated this into the next day's jog with side huddles.

Day 2 -7/13
Did strength training cirucit 1 for 4 min. Followed it up with Pilates. Great sense of calm. Weight and body fat % are going north even if inch by inch. But for now most important is Wellness and Activity.
Even in a sync meeting with colleagues this happened to be the topic we were stuck on. 
kids feel pandemic stress too. As adults, how connected should you you be to the external world. Distance and proximity. As much as you can handle being well.
More ways exercise helps brain with just one protein.

40 min jog and an hour exercise inspired by Celine Dion's ballet.

20 min jog

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