
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, May 4, 2020


Get too big to eat 

Be like Chris? Adaptation anyone?

Does anyone know who this is?

This is not any sheep. It is Chris the sheep who is also a record holder.

He went jumping over the fence and never came back to the farm. He survived in the wild but he reached a point where life became difficult and came back to the shears.

People have started looking for fables from this. What lesson can you learn?

We have always looked to our predecessors for answers during tough times. Animals who have been on earth longer than us. Even our stories in many cultures are based on animals. Chicken Little, Fox and the Crow and so on. Here goes another story.

In Gujarat, it was found that birds started eating fire. What they are after is not the fire but what lights the fire. The rich ghee which is clarified butter. This is a novel behavior. You can fill parts of the story that the birds are adapting to a new source of food. Its survival driven?

According to Allen Wilson who was a biologist at UC Berkeley, if an organization/species is to exploit their environment to their advantage, three things are needed. They should be able to move.

In 1920s when milk bottles were laid in front of the doors, they were open. Crème da la crème on the top. Birds of two kinds titmice and robins both had their share.

When the farms got wary they started putting on aluminium caps.

Now both the birds were able to pierce it, but the study found that few robins could do it while millions of titmice knew how to. Those bird they pierced and showed their friends too.


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