
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Mist on the Other Side

The vision is blurred. No thoughts clouding my eyes.Its the mist on
the other side.The lighter drops stuck to the glass and gave it a
smudged look.The heavier drops slipped down leaving a trail of smooth
and stopped when couldn't move any further.The trail, cleared patch
in the wilderness was not the way travelled only once.Cause once the
path was made , another drop followed the first drop but always never
reached as further as the first one.Just around the smooth path,on
either sides the pattern was fine. As one moved away, the granularity
With many heavy drops,formed many clear trails.Through the trail it
seemed like there was a glass.The trail and the pattern did not seem
to be on the same plane.I slid the window half open on to the outside
and felt the otherside expecting my hands to get wet.But dry glass
met my hands.The mist was on the other side of the glass.But the
window was double glassed with mist inside.Mist that can never be

PS: Written about 18 years ago.

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