
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

To commit or not

Usually I am very up about exercise at lunch time each day. But an hour into the day, I started feeling funny in the mouth. When you are start getting aware of your body, that you normally take for granted, then you know that you are not feeling well. I tossed the idea in my head, of calling it a day. Last week, as the usual habit of rallying group forces for the afternoon exercise, I got everyone gung ho about exercise but had to bow out because of involuntary running nose. I didnt want that to happena gain. I had to wait a great deal of time before even saying that I am on the fence. Then in that moment of getting comfortable on the fence, I realised how we might like to do something a lot, but because of circusmtances, like here not knowing if I would be fully well by lunch time to exercise, I couldnt commit to one of my favorite activities, I understood all the ones that sit on the fence.
After an Activa cherry activation, helping a colleague prepare for his first review, when I realised that it might run longer and I might have to help him after gym/lunch, I knew I would exercise today. While reaching the gym, I realised I felt very happy at having helped the colleague even without asking which was later appreciated before the beginning of the meeting.
The exercise itself is Kenpo P90x, which went well. I used 3 pound weights intermittently, dropping it as needed for the speed.  After watching this video, and having heard a speech on weight lifting a while ago, I want to push myself with atleast one move. I love elliptical a lot to not get on it, but one move is easy to add right.

The other day, I did dumbbell snatch from Get strong for Woman by Alex Silver Fagan.

                                                                Courtesy: steemit
This picture shows in red, all the muscles you workout. I definitely felt it in arms. Today I did the press with dumbells held as a barbell. with 10 lb I couldnt do more than 3 at once and more after a break. That felt good, as I know that I couldnt get past that, but thats the starting baseline.

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