
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bridge in time

There were few villages located close by. They all had to help each other out. One day village A asked village B for help. The mayor decided to help out but first needed to figure out if he could support it. He found out that such a bridge had been built before in his village. He contacted the artisan and asked if she was interested in helping out. This bridge was going to be a part of bigger bridge, so all the materials had to be same as the bridge units from various villages.
This artisan went to another community and found out what the bridge was being made with. The state building codes required a new material to be used. Since the company making a connector material was down, the community had been using some makeshift material. The mayor asked the artisan to find out from the other contractor if they could move to the new material. The contractor replied that they now have funds to get the material from another place.
The artisan took on the job, everyone moved to the latest material and the brdige got done in time.

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