
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Monitoring & Controlling Upma

Vermicelli Noodles

For some time now, noodles have been giving me grief. It ends up being mush. I used to know how to do it right. After long soul-searching I realised that the correct ratio of noodles to water is 1: 1.5 and not 1:2.
This week I was going to make 4:6, then I realised I will make 5:10 (This is where I put my 'leg into lentils', an idiom of doing a mistake. It should have been 5:7.5).
To my horror, when I realised that it was flooded, I added two handfuls of vermicelli noodles, still some containment needed to be done.

 I was hellbent on getting it right. I went to the drastic measure of draining out extra water, retaining the desired consistency of dry upma.
Planning could have avoided this problem but even in planning, you can see how errors can creep in. Mis-en-place would have worked out too but whats a day in the kitchen if not an adventure.
All's well that ends well.

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