
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, April 20, 2019

America's pastime

I was passing time reading Late bloomers-power of patience, Waiting for my child while she was practising Karate which will teach her discipline among many other good skills. There was a chattering going among 5 boys or so. There was a call from Mom, if the kids were ok.

When they were leaving, I realised they had these baseball bats with them. They went into the courtyard and one started swinging, two other were with their mitts, mostly catching the balls. After a while a man in his 50s walking by into the Karate room indulged the kids with a throw, All kids hovered in his direction, sometimes catching sometimes missing. This showed how a cross-generational interaction is required for kids to enjoy their favorite sport with others who feel the same way. He threw about 3 shots and waved bye to them. He wanted to end it strong. It was nice to see this little dance of how a game can connect such wide age disparity and strangeness.

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