
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Contrarian's Guide

The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership

There are many great things to be said about The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership. If you want to improve your thinking, then this is one of the books to go to. The value of grey thinking. You learn all these colors when you are kids and then as an adult, you have to shift to grey thinking. 

While watching, Bala Bharatam which is the enactment of Mahabharata epic by children. A strange thing to do but it pertains to the childhood of the characters. It took me back to one of the lessons in a Hindi class where tainted suyodhana ie Duryodhana is shown from his perspective.

That might be the first contrarian view. Might contrarian view be the first road to empathy with those not similar to you?

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