
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Long voyage ahead

In The Cat's table, the narrator is a 11yr old boy asks 'What had there been before such a ship in my life?' about the life forming and changing experiences on the 'Oronsay' from Colombo bound to England. The narrator thinks that 'he reinvented himself in this seemingly imaginary world'.
Even though most of the book is on the ship and the various characters - a literary guy, a plants & herbs expert- on it, theres a foreshadowing of his future and references of the influences of the experiences of the ship by an adult self.
The narrator and his friends escape to the lifeboat and learn of many secret activities that are clarified towards the end of the novel. The later half of it deals with the narator's emotional geography and its formation.
The novel tiptoes on the edge of fiction and sparse style of non-fiction. The parts of the novel in letters in the voice of other characters have the fiction tone to them but rest of it is in a 'as is' style which made it hard for putting coals to my imagination machine.
Rope incense burning is new to me.

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