
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Thursday, May 22, 2014


At Costco, I had a smoothie. It had spinach, pineapple and orange juice as a Vitamix sample. I just had spinach. Wow.
Right before reading '365 skinny smoothies', I came across 'Ultimate Juices and smoothies Encyclopaedia' which I like better for the combinations. 365 Skinny smoothies calls for ingredients which I dont have in my pantry - hemp milk, coconut water. A substitution can solve that but the smoothies that would make me get up and go fix one in a blender are far and few.

World's Smartest Traveler

Ask Elliott

The paragraph long Q&A are very interesting.
I have one story to share. Our family was set on a trip to India. As is wont to happen with people living on work visas, we were in a waiting game wrt papers from USCIS. We had to postpone the tickets. The airlines wouldnt refund for the domestic part of it. Enraged, my husband's friend wanted to give it a shot. He found out that the flight we were supposed to be on went full. A phone call and email later, we had refund. This book can be that friend or help you like that friend to redress your grievances related to travel.

Letters of Note

Friday, May 16, 2014

What I learnt from cold this time?

1. The common cold and weight loss
2. Muscle pains. Nothing that Tylenol cant cure
3. Teeth ache during cold
4. Shoulder pains

Heimlich's Maneuver

Who knew Heimlich is not as old as Hippocrates. Like the author Heimlich says more people have heard about the maneuver than the right way to apply it. You have read about it and seen it in movies. That comes much later in the book and his life. Before that, how his medical career started and all the amazing medical devices he invented - Heimlich chest drain value, ingenious ways of treating trachoma and saving people from blindness by making do with what little he had, It doesnt end there. Reverse Gastric surgery. Wow, magician of the human body.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Egg in a Tea cup

An Easter egg
in a Muir woods mini cup
Another Easter egg in a
Georgia shot glass

Friday, May 9, 2014

Summer World: A Season of Bounty

The book goes like a true story of parts of nature.

Wood frogs: Their rituals(awake for only few months a year and still thriving) seem weird. The author doesnt just stop at this observation. He goes about setting up little experiments to prove or dispute the possible explanations.

Bald-Faced Hornet Nests: Hornet paper, a Talisman to ward off all evil predators from a vireo's nest.

The Blues: Why ants dont eat blue butterflies?

Mud Daubers and Behavior: Can you imagine being born in an encasement with food provided?

Artful Diners: Rolled leaf caterpillars and dried leaves with still a bit of green at a spot

The sketches and pictures add to the magic.