
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Puerto Rican folktales

The Three Wishes: A Collection of Puerto Rican Folktales

'The Three Wishes' book has returning characters Juan Bobo, Lazy Peter. Young men vying for the princess in marriage, fighting devil, dragon and witches.
'The Animal Musicians' similar to Town Musicians of Bremen reminded me of The Sky Is Falling
'The Ant in search of her leg' has a sequence of actions that are told in the whole sequence  - Cumulative tale, in the manner of This Is the House That Jack Built.

An Indian Folktale - King and seven sons

In Defense of Sainty: The Best Essays of G.K. Chesterton

In Defense of Sainty: The Best Essays of G.K. Chesterton

In A Piece of Chalk
Chesterton calls
an infant of the sword

In the hands of teachers and painters

I pushed into the colour sketch. Chalk. I was reminded of the npr article Thinking too much about chalk, that I didnt have time for at the time I read the title but now I had to make time for it. The npr article also refers to    
Chesterton's essay on chalk.
The first sketch article referred to Pocahontas. I learnt of her yesterday in America: The Story of Us. I heard of her before but didnt know anything about the person.
Willem De Kooning - Door to the River

Occupied by daisies

Connie Wanek 's poem  Butter starts in a modern day kitchen but takes us to a time of Butter Molds. When the subject is common, the time dimension adds texture to the poem.
The first line 'Butter like love' now wants me to go back in time to love of that time too.
She has written on peaches and garlic. On a note similar to the peaches poem, I read of an apples poem.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Iowa review Vol 38 No 2

The Iowa Review (Vol. 38, No. 2, Fall 2008)

Ra hee duk -The custom of Aerial Burial and other poems - xerosis

short short stories of Alex Epstein leave the effect of a Grapeshot on a reader subjecting them to different transformations in each little work.

The back cover has the names of contributors in a poem format with rhyme and all.

In "Note from the Estrscans', brandon Krieg uses a powerful metaphor.

'.. the stream will run through
the comb of your bones without straightening'.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Long long ago

Author: Greg Trine

I liked this book better than the 'Dinos are Forever' for its time travel. Pro superhero Jo itches for some action and so does her dog. they time travel to 1850s California. There they are looking to capture Wyatt Burp who causes trouble with his burp. Even though Jo is a superhero, she cant swim. With her sidekick's help she can overcome evil intentions from any era(thats another big concept).
The fog is described as thick as milk shake and peanut butter, which children can relate to. I also like how the concept of tsunami is built from ripple to waves to tsunami even if its a metaphor for the rise of crime. Because the people from a century ago are not familiar with superheroes, they mistake Jo and Raymond for witches which shows how people think in the times they live. Some of this concepts might be big for children to understand but hey dont be surprised if they give their explanations.

Dinos come alive

Author: Greg Trine

Jo Schmo is a fourth grader. She just received a mystery package. with its contents, Jo and her sidekick dog Raymond are about to become full scale superheroes with a superfast vehicle. With help from her retired Sheriff grandfather, Jo is all set to take on the bad elements, even if they are smart with a PhD like the mad scientist. But what are dinos doing in this story? They are extinct. Who has the power to being them to life. May be a super hero but a super hero wouldn wreak havoc. Or wait we have to ask Jo if her manual has a section about it.
In the end, she even learns the magic lofty word that can make her fly like a real superhero.

The illustrations are sketches like comics. Some really make you wonder. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Looking at a thing myriad times

With simple language and logic, the poet reverses the universally accepted truths. In 'Marriage' poem, it seems to the surviving partner that death liberated his partner to a happier future. Many stories convince us that life is all about love and here comes this poem.
The titles are on the upper right corner, obscure. Its fun to read the poem and then the title and then the poem with new eyes. The characters - shepherd and the animals, are fixed and so is the stanza format.
The poems move from a aha single line to a whole wonder when they are about specific animals. Here each animal gets its character. The animals are no longer a cluster.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Spillway Issue 18: Games people play


Fairy tales fast forwarded to future, set in modern time
'This morning' by Nan Fry is a fill in the missing letters poem. An apple poem elsewhere is looking out from inside of an apple.

Punch and Judy
Emmett Kelly
Mazel tov

From the missing letters poem, I take an inspiration but in the opposite direction, word stuffing like Bit stuffing but meaningful insertion.

A contributor

Games People Play

Thursday, July 5, 2012

It began fine

Author: Tony Judt

The author's inspiration for this book, his thoughts running always in the wake of ALS took me through his childhood, the food, cars and life then. I got lost in the 'Lord Warden' ship chapter wit too many specifics.

Birds in their throats

I had read that Meghan O Rourke had written of her grief in poetry form too. I am unwilling to ride the wave of grief with the authors and poets. And so Joan Didion's good prose too loses it lacquer wit no grief to nurse. 

'Red fingernails' in My Aunts
Word play of exist and insist in 'Diagnosis'.
Te poet cant help notice the parallels of gradual decay of a dead squirrel with the effects of chemotherapy.
some poems from Kenyon Review -
in 'Twenty first century fireworks poem -

The future hasn't arrived. It is all still a dream, 
a night sweat to be swum off
in a wonderland of sand and bread

Inventory of grief
poems about her mother and a while after her passing away. While the first is true for ever, the second came into being because of the mothers death.
normal vs complicated grief

A mother makes a daughter
     by dividing
The hands, the nose, the feet
all grow by multiplying
 in 'Inventory' poem

Minced words

I have tried writing with my left hand. Recently my right hand was aching. While cutting vegetables, I wondered why not cut with the left hand. Such a common place idea, but never thougt about it. Except for the main cuts, I could chop fine with my left hand.

poems from left handed
In Water poem, I love how sometimes the abstract seems more clear and understood than plain facts.
In most poems the line breaks are such that the words are split and spilt into the next line forming internal rhyme. A kind of breaking to form.

In 'Who Remembers', 'The Shorter days', there is a nudge to enjoy the present.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The man with a mask, scissors...

If you want to know the details of an operation, ask your surgeon for an Operative report says Dr. Paul A Ruggieri. 
This book is supported by three pillars of the surgeon's experience, generic details of the surgery world and the patients experience. It is very structured. The text moves in between these three modes unifying them into a good narrative.
When the surgeon zeroes in on his/her area of focus to operate, the description sounds like man is a machine but machines don't go into Hypovolemic shock.

Its interesting how I picked up this book to read. It was on the stack in the library but I didnt feel pressed to read it. My eyes caught another book
. Then I thought why not the 'surgeon memoir'. A note about 'the dark side' of pharmaceutical drugs and the guinea pigs they are tested on, the example of Shoemaker is scary. The text was too scholarly.

scut work
Sword of damocles

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Woman: profit and loss

The 'twin' cities, the bifurcation and the wholeness at the physical as well as in the mind is revisited in many poems. The poet uses this fork element  of conjoining and dividing even in her marriage.
Consistently the author looks at the status of women in different countries. What an unveiled head can bring upon the life. How widows were once treated in India. The poet muses upon mythical strong women too. A poem on Camilla. I wish there was a painting of this.
Neither words nor acquaintances are wasted.


Author: Rusty Morrison

Like the blurb 'says 'numb' is what ricochets off the words and lines, but there is a space for every reader to dwell and relate to it.