
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, April 10, 2011

From a poem to many

Elizabeth Hughey Sunday houses the sunday house. More poems of her. who is Veronica who reappears in her poems?

Aporia. Monica de la Torre.

On Van Jordan. His poem MacNolia are from different characters POV.

Michele Batiste's poem and chapbook

Jean Marie Beaumont

Box of metaphors

Laura Mullen's Banyan poem makes the reader allocate a place for everything that thrives in its own way.

Hop scotch of prose and poetry

Maxine Hong Kingston, an accomplished author has recently published I love a broad margin to my Life, a free-verse memoir.

If you are wondering what is free verse…

Meghan O’ Rourke, a poet, wrote of a grief experience in ‘The Long Goodbye’ prose and then in ‘Once’ poetry form. Rourke was scared of poetry’s openness.

Why an artist wedded to a form loses grip on her medium during a turning point in life?

Growing up I was interested in essay form where Robert’s Frost ‘miles to go before I sleep’ stanza still crept in. After a poetry class, it seemed like I had said goodbyes to the only form of staking words that I knew.

Poetry undulates between the high of giving wings to your experience but of removing your stable ground too at the same time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Animals and Orchards

This collection is a menagerie.

Strange wood poems by Kevin Prufer are evocative.

Eric Pankey


so that one of them could climb up her backbone and escape the poverty... Rick Bragg, All over but the shoutin'

With raw sentences like this, I dont think I know what I signed up for by picking to read this book.

Bluetick hound

Southern link

In Hoi Polloi, Nin Andrews wotks in the myth of Goldilocks very well.

Her poems are puzzles, each peeling revealing her roots.

Journal in poetry

David Lehman, familiar as the editor has this concept of poems in journal in The Daily mirror and The Evening Sun

If so many people read their newspapers in the park, the paperboy should hit the park.