21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Physical & Cognitive abilities of humans
AI - connectivity and Updatability
Infotech with biotech
I saw a video of an FSD waiting on the side, with an emergency vehicle going on the other side, the traffic light changung to green didnt inspire it. How many times have you seen a green turn arrow and the sudden release and assertion of the brakes from those on the straight path, still waiting to turn green.
At an intersection with the light changing to yellow, I slowed to a stop while the driverless car zoomed ahead, changed lanes and entered a parking lot on the right. It must have been on a higher speed and knows precisely where it will be, given the time and speed data it knows.
During driving, so many assumptions are made. When contradicting assumptions are made, then things don't end well.
In transport and healthcare, human lives are at higher stake than the jobs themselves.
Case by case basis
With each new technology, lot of communication is necessary to ensure that all the involved know the right way of using the application. While AI won't have this issue due to its connectivity and updatibility, the downside is when the conclusion is wrong or when different conclusions need to be reached based on a case by case basis. The "It depends" case. Inflexibility of AI is one of the reasons of resistance to AI that covers the case of unexpected outputs. We need a case of "go reflect on your actions" or a safeguard before reaching the conclusions.
worst of both worlds - high unemployment and shortage of skilled labor.
AI and humanity when we let AI make decisions and are better understood by them. Our mentors and guides are smarter than us. How are we not manipulated by them?
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