
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, November 8, 2021

What are the 7 best ways to enjoy walking that will transform your mood and energy?

 Here are my 7 best ways to walk and enjoy in the order of occurence.

  1. As kids we remember walking to nearby stores. When returning from village, we had to walk to the bus stop through the fields, watching many nature’s gifts - snakes, opuntia cactus, brushy areas. All that fun memories made me an inveterate walker.

2. During internship, I saved money by walking and lost lots of weight.

3. I then started moving to competitive walking with self. When waiting for a bus, I would see how much I could walk further and further. Slowly I built up to 8.8 miles.

4. I made it recreational too, where I had to attend a Mangalore feast at a friend’s house. It was probably about 10 miles. The most fun part of it was, having the map and directions in my hand, anticipating the turns and forging along.

5. Grand canyon rim to rim hike. We lied down behind a waterfall to cool off during the hottest part of the day. In preparation for this, we hiked 6 miles every weekend and 9 miles towards the end for about few months.

6. I have always found walking as way to immerse myself in nature and bring that experience to writing. Both as essays and poetry.

7. Birdwatching is another way I pair walking with fun. Again all roads lead to writing.

I have found it useful to keep walking to closer grocery runs and if your friends and family dont mind it, walk to a farther place and get a ride on the way back, if they are going to be around that same place. 

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