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Friday, May 28, 2021

Watching Movies to make you a better writer

BattleTech: Honor's Gauntlet (BattleTech Novel) by Bryan Young

 Watching Movies to make you a better writer from Virginia Piper writing center

1. Suspense Vs Surprise.

2. Characters talk to each other not to the audience.

3. Telling the story of your main character through the other characters.

4. Scene Polarity from negative to positive.

5. A Romantic Comedy, With Zombies mashup of genres which teaches more than the study of individual genres.

My tip: Read the story on wiki and then watch the movie. Then you will understand how sometimes when characters are collapsed or new characters are bought in, to include more audience. The Lost World

Cellular is one movie where I sat down to jot scene transitions.

Adventures in the Screen Trade: A Personal View of Hollywood and Screenwriting and Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman books.

Steven Kign and Chuck Palanchuik on Writing.

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