
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Manifestation Wolverine

When I peeked through the book, I knew I would like the poems based on the slice and its optimum language.
As I read through, there are many lines that make me go back for example and consider

‘The river stood behind the sun’
how the universal ordering is different in different cultures

‘spider webs were in the air offering rides to the river’
This sentence made me go lookup grammar of 'parts of a sentence' . Main subjects become indirect objects

‘small black trains circling around her teeth’
imagination becoming too real. Reminds me of the time when clanking of plates reminded me of a two day ride to college

‘he caught a green light glowing in the pine-trees.
He released it after it had changed into a firefly’.
nothing more fascinating than transformation from an LED to a firefly. Object to life.

The poems too are ordered with connecting themes like
Night enemy – seeing at night
chip of a human bone at train tracks – tracks-

The action in the poem feels in your imagination like the leap you take before getting into the air paragliding and while getting down.

We move from spring to autumn with ‘winter must be here’.

Hands, fingers, window, snow are recurring elements in the poem.

As high school students, we read of Hiawatha but that was a by a Non Native american poet. I dont know much about the creation myths of Native American other than the smattering you pick up being in the southwest. I am introduced to a new genre (I say new genre because I have to switch my pattern of thinking of sun greater than river. I have to switch my pattern of thinking a spider web lesser than a river, as the spider web becomes a bridge to the river in the book, making motion another metric and not just the size of something. Even this one change in a poem, is a seismic shift to the reader making him/her think of every subject/object capable of anything ) of poetry rich with images, rituals and a celebrated way of life.

With such fast moving images and actions, I had a major urge to draw them to understand the action and motion. It seems like a good start for a mini thesis on Native American Culture, Meskwaki in particular.

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