
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, September 4, 2015

Out of the Blue

The first idiom I remember in English is broke down. In 'Out of the Blue' I learnt some new idioms like ticked pink, shrinking violet, diffrent horse. The illustrations are minimal but the colour is deep spread.

An Idiom is a very powerful thing. in English, it first happened to me in sixth grade in a lesson called 'I met a Bushman'. It was the narrator saying his car 'broke down'.
'Out of the Blue - A Book of Color Idioms and Silly Pictures' is a great creative book for kids. I myself walk out of the book with few new idioms - tickled pink, yellow bellied and so on.
The illustrations are neat and the colour is emphatic.
There is a good mix of culture - brown bag. Red tape and Red letters illustrations are different from what I have in my mind.

Its  a great idea to make a page with a color Idiom and ask kids to guess it or give an idiom and ask them to illustrate it.

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