
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Calm Around the world

In the stenciled human foot print, Hallux and the foot look like the mother while the rest of the toes - children. pg 76 Bill wood's illustration.

This book Calm: secrets to Serenity From the Cultures of the World does not only provide you a bag of tricks to calm yourself but also a little history and a little culture behind those methods. The activities cover physical activity, cooking and other tried methods.
Its a good mix of some known and some not so well known methods. What I liked the best was learning that some known methods had calm inducing origins.
I knew of Lomi Lomi Salmon recipe and made the salad, but learnt of the lomi lomi massaging effects on people too. Story of Tamales.
Stilt Fishing and Tight rope walking are not my idea of calming, but I can see how once you get there fearlessly, you can be in a state of bliss.
The pictures for each of the method too are varied in style as they are illustrated by many.

PS: Strangely after reading this book during an afternoon, the block wall seemed imperfect with the shadows illuminating it all.

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