
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, June 24, 2013

River Hope

Author: Melanie Crowder

Summer is perfect time for movies like Rango and Road Movie (Hindi) where water is power. In Melanie Crowder's Parched the sought after are the ones who can hear underground water or those with a lesser secret, the knowledge of looking around and see where the plants want to park their roots.
I have had a couple of childhood summers where we had to pull and push the water pump for muddy water until the rib hurt or push people to get the water from the municipality tanker. And once the drum is filled, the warmth of the bounty of water makes bath that much fun.
In a burnt place, Sarel uses survival skills learnt from her mother to tide not just herself but her pack of dogs. On the other end is another kid Musa who is captivated like the oracle Phaedra in the Titans story. His gift - he can hear invisible water. Everyone is after one thing in the desert. Water.
Adventurous and brave kids in search of their future. Oh how kids love to run the show. 
The story alternates between the point of views of Sarel and Musa. Bonus, Nandi the dog too gets his share of wordscape in the language of scents. The language in the book gets poetic sometimes.
'A thread of song scraped past his throat..'. This syle of sparse, distinct words leave vivid images in the mind of the reader.
When the author uses Ongola bird and other tree names, references or pictures would have helped.

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