The Uncomfortable Truth About Money: How to live with uncertainty and think for yourself
Importance of monitoring volatility which is applicable not just to markets but aspects of personal life. How much volatility can our system withstand?
mandarintemple has a handy list of characters. Easy to review the confusing or similar looking ones. I have been watching some youtube videos like this from Mumu Chinese. Watching it on repeat along with reading the Compact Mandarin dictionary is making me retain some words. The video I listen to highlights the word in a different color. But along with it, I am now able to focus on the words that are not highlighted too. Bonus if the previous highlighted word appears again in a new sentence later.
For example, here 转弯 (Zhuǎn wān - turning) is highlighted but I recognise 前面 - Qián miàn - ahead from hsk-1.
This is one of the first Chinese language videos that made me believe that I could learn Chinese, while learning Japanese and probably that it is easier, contrary to popular belief, probably because of the simpleer sentence structure and no conjugation kind of changes.
Riverside Code At Qingming Festival from the 3D view of a painting.
Astra zeneca - 阿斯利康 - Ā sī lìkāng
I can see how the sounds get translated like that.
Korean update
Yesterday in a video I learned 始 is part of hajime yesterday, you can imagine my surprise when I found 初めて as hajimete in example 9 (here again the win is being able to read so many sentences and comprehend.. not all of it.. but not feeling bogged down and topping. The sentence structure is simpler too). I was trying to understand toki (special) and came across that page.
kanji-distinctions of
始 vs 初
I feel like I have reached a stage where I learned a kanji, remembered it, recalled it and was able to engage more with it.
Multi language
도서관 입구에서 만나요
doseogwan ibgueseo mannayo
Meet me at the library entrance
Toshokan no iriguchi de aimashō
Zài túshū guǎn rùkǒu chù jiàn wǒ
1. I saw a post on Japan's economy in English. In the same format I saw it another language. fishy or not.
2. Sometimes some isms or sentiments are well taken in the language that they are related to.
3. I watched Jiro dreams of Sushi after a long time. I was able to recognise some words like work, vacation and so on. I wanted a good definition of shokunin. Found it in Thai
4. Long ago, when I saw this question of which button of an air conditioner, to press on a certain weather day, I dont think I figured I could learn to read it.
5. second language is supposed to make your thinking logical. If you are getting anxious in your first language, then you know what to do now.
1. If you know some material that you are training on, you can use another language that you understand some, to increase your comprehension
2. multi language Surveys
3. These days so many electronic products, health documents come in many languages.
Initially demographic decline will be countered with lots of robots. May be there will be a cap (demand side be - to match what the need would be based on the 2.1 fertility ratio, the reason for the yearly cadence or it could be done daily as it is currently based on the number of births and deaths. What would be the reasons for front loading? Is there a concept of overcrowdedness? other than perception of people. How will the infrastructure change? Is there a need for commute if the software can be wirelessly transferred. Communication vs intelligence. Do you need regular maintenace check if there is a monitor all the time.) on how many robots can be released into action (this could be supply constrained). Maybe some credits that let you increase more. You then keep on working at how to make more productive robots so that you can get the work done with fewer. There could be buyers for the outdated ones keeping the count lower than the allowed limit.
How resilient are these. When do some of the problems stop mattering. eg a forest fire resistant robot. Ofcourse, it makes the area off limits for humans. Every human life gets more precious.
Imagine a vending machine with drone capabilities like the kitchen mix stand.
Then people wont wish for pandemic or plague for population control.
Its history somewhere in the world, if you have a hankering for the past.
Sejong Korean book series
I had fun watching parts of this Springtime movie. I kept looking up the words in Google translate. Recognised more of the Korean letters on traffic signs. The sounds seem different from what I hear or expect from the Romaji. It is a differnt experience to deeply take in foreign words like this. slow but effective.
words for pharmacy, necklace
While watching this movie, I was reminded of a nytimes video on WhatJapan teaches its kids.
The Chemical History of a Candle inspired Nobel laureate Akira Yoshino.
Is there some capillary action at work in this lighting of the Christmas tree. I see the strings connecting them.
It is hard to understand the original book without the demonstration, good that there are videos and a companion modern book.
9yo is learining Hindi this weekend feverishly. She learns Telugu every week. She compared the two and asked this question about skipped ah sound at the end of a word in Hindi.
Language acquisition is similar as an adult or a child
The Real Impact of the Silk Road
recurved bow
socketed arrowhead
military discipline for
the stirrup at 32:39 of the above video - stirrup technology
Wagon technology
guest-host institution
World History Cultures States and Society till 1500
domestication of grain
domestication of animals through selective breeding