
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Talking Words

Yesterday while telling a home brewn story, I made a mental note to look up  explain (laying it plain) and  explore (plore which it says is linked to cry out - reminds me of implore).


A warriors grave at pylos Greece could be a gateway to Civilizations

While reading of agora as collection, which I know as market, which can be seen as a collection of marketers and their wares, words make me wonder how we can go it two ways, sum of individuals or as a whole new individual.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

60 second science

The stopwatch
with its ring
a mouth
and the two
buttons as
its front feet
looks like a

How letters change meanings

There is a one letter
difference between
duel and duet

There is not much
difference between
fuel and feud

Whose lunch was Gratis?

A friend
buys lunch
for servicemen-
cops and firefighters
at restaurants

When it was time
for the cops
to pay their bill
The waitress said
"A lady paid for your

The Lady only saw
one mans shirt
on it.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Design of Furniture

Adele Serving Console Table
some tables are upheld by
a couple of uprights of a

Under neath some
are the scaffolds
of a bridge

Why we make sculptures

                                A Heron
with all its
layered feathers
in stone

It will stay

At 1;00 in Recipe for Love

The Unintented Utility

I selected
a mini  platter
as a gift
a ceramic one
with small and big
round alternating
indentations on it

The artist referred
to it as the
Soap dish

Her intended utility
for it
I am thinking small
squares of cheese on it

Foyer Table

with tapered legs
looks like an
a Giraffe

The width
of the
foyer table
is the perfect
size of waist
of an anmal

I wanted to ask where the eyecare professionals got their furniture from. I noticed that other tables too had the same taper. These tables were old style with half side of cabinets and the other side open.
Next day a Macy's too, I noticed that they have the tapered legs on their furniture.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Mistaking Each Other for Ghosts

If its Friday or

A medium truck
filled with
pots of trees
all slanted back

A landscape worker
carefully folding
the jute blankets
that covered and
protected the
pretty pansies
from the frost

On Fridays
I find the
most amazing
enroute office

Another friday
it was a
crossing the road

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Eye Doctor

Ghost of a Colour

The Making and the
meet in a fleeting

The color
the pigment
moves from
the artists mind
to the object

It treads miles
and in many lines
to be a colour

A Spectrum
An apparition

 Image from Peach blow vase
Image from It took 60 miles of sewing thread to create

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

No B.S. Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Guide to Producing Measurable, Monetizable Results with Social Media Marketing

Find professionapl photographer on for a banner with your photo inserted.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

Anonymity and Humanity
When a person is in the
oblivion you dont know
if he's good or bad
when he gets famous
then he wishes for the
however illegal,
only to get more famous
in an uncomplimentary way


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Is it girl or boy?

I told my preschooler
that I saw a
Jingle Bell Spider

I thought it was creative
use of jingles

I am going to call it a female as
The ends of the palps are not enlarged

piggy backy ridey

Holding her sisters
tiny little pants
of yellow and white flowers
behind her back

like a sweater
with only hands

'piggy backy ridey'

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Coaching in TImes of Crisis and Transformation

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right name - Chinese Proverb.

Writing with insistence on knowing the names of the animals, plants specific aims at making you wiser about the world you inhabit.

When architecture speaks

The Yazidi holy place of Lalish

Deep Fluted Cone
The circular steps
on the bottom
make the edge
prominent like
daggers turned out

A good building
makes you recall
both the starting brick
and its defiance at once

If we were marble sculpture

Color potrait makes me
wish we were all marbles
to begin with
like the white sculptures

We could then be
then we wouldnt need any

And when we run out of
some color
like the laundry day
it will be canary yellow lips
and patched face

In the beginning, when the artist is looking how the colors are on a practice sheet, light color circle a bit to the left of a dark one, gave it a 3D look.
At 13:25, her nose seems like it is placed on the sheet

Countries as thought clouds

A cloud of thought
on an overturned
paper on an easel

We use those clouds
to box up something
we dont know fully
but want to represent

Borders of a nation
seem drawn that way

Friday, November 6, 2015

Notes for 'Where Life is.."

World map

At a fissure 
Wish to coalesce
Like Zeno’s paradox


Aging of paint
Feeds calcium deficient kids

Paint Failure Dictionary

Paint Adhesion loss

A Two tone paint
Is a case of two places
Where two paints failed
To stick
Where two paints repelled
The surface

Fading is a surface effect

bricks and paint to flake through expansion and contraction
bricks and paint breathe

The sun that illuminates the paint
Fades it too

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Robin Coste Lewis

Robin Coste Lewis is a great poet. Read the Pen Ten with Robert Coste Lewis. I enjoyed reading On the Road to Sri Bhuvaneshwari as it was a common ground. The center big piece 'Voyage of the sable Venus' is an experiment in terms of the arrangement of the content from the titles of museum exhibits, but so is every poem. In one when poem, where every scene is in the 'not' frame, I knew something dreaded was coming.
In Verga, a jumbled pantoum, a reverse rubik cube where any move from the horror is only weirder.
Every word of her seems well strained. Most likely poems to be sent to moon, as they represent humanity.


I came across Dog elbows in a poem by Robin Coste Lewis. While reading dog race reminded me of the dog elbows as dog end

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


On the End of Iliad

The father is our first noble disaster - Rowan Ricardo Phillips

“Only if there are angels in your head will you ever, possibly, see one,” - Mary Oliver

Friday, October 16, 2015

Scattered at Sea

'The Dead Woman's Telephone' poem in the book makes for a good example of a line for Ars Poetica. Its at once specific and general. It resonated with me when I was reading John Berger's line on archives being another way of dead people living.
'Thoughts of Tree at twilight' is how we look at things and think things. Even in 'Bon Courage' when poet Amy Gerstler tries to guides us through the imaginary woods like a docent in a museum, where you are welcome to linger but there's more to look too - but you are there.
'but the forest is our subject, not this young girl'
That sense of being in the poem is what you should read 'Scattered at Sea' for.
The little squiggles on the cover are cute.

berger's view on archives

The Best American Essays 2015

I randomly started reading The Best American Essays 2015. I liked the middle of the essay on recuperating and then I noted the essay name in mind 'Strange Days' and went back to it. I shared it with few friends. Articles have a nice way of interlinking things. After this essay, I could put all the recuperative literature that I read into one folder in my head. Then came the close brush with an accident in My Daughter and God which brings death, old age, life into clear focus. After the miscarriage in Difference maker, I had to find why the mood of the book is so heavy. The anthology has finally grown up. Later when I looked more into the details of the editor, I recognised the 'Thanksgiving in Mongolia' essay which explained the leaning of the book.
Its one thing reading the essays in the book, but finding the articles online along with the photos that go with it make it for an altered reading. I like going through the titles of the notable essays that didnt make it and catch a few of them.


My daughter picked this book from the library along with three others which we finished reading, but with this one, we were procrastinating because it seemed like too much text in a small book. The illustrations are cute, the story setting very heavy, transformational like the love of a bunny for a kid making him real or the creator giving life to toys kind of thing. How we got to reading this book finally was after seeing Corduroy Trick or Treat at  the mall where we were riding the turntable.
The end about the kid sewing was slightly unbelievable.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Kinetic design

A Pot might look
beautiful at the
end of the
of its making

But the form holds
itself as a proof of
the journey

of the rotation
nudges and pulls

To a poet A beautiful urn is supposed to equate beauty with truth. Truth of is so.

2. Time is the
next horizontal
line of thread
uniting the vertical
lake of threads
tying some dividing
others to form a

3.  From a thick brush
the color bleeds onto
the nape of a
moving pot


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Saguaro National Park, Sabino Canyon and Mt Lemmon

Usually trips are recalled in future even before happening, this time I was happy that I had a trip over the weekend.
I have been to saguaro National park before. Saguaro National Park East if we have to speak in proper terms. Thats the thing about trips, there's a charm to revisiting.
The last time I was there with a friend, we saw the open-air zoo, my first. So I hyped up my daughter's interest too in the trip with talks of that. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Immediacy and tale

Sometimes we cant pinpoint when we understand the urgency of an action even after we have rolled the action. Such was the case with medical examination for immigration purposes. My sister said that she had somehow overlooked it. With me, I looked at it but dont think it registered in terms of schedule.
The doctor's offices open at some time. So you cant do anything before that.
Once I got the numbers dialling at a decent time. They were staggered redials as different offices open at different times.
Doctors are not at our beck and call especially in USA. They have appointments open that are not this week. The first doctor's office I contacted had an opening few weeks away that would only leave me with 7 days to the deadline of filing. In matters as these, the answer needs to be today. I called a friend who went through this process. He made two important points known to me. One that the company reimburses all this, which will become important when the other knob if time is not in our favour. Two that the company's on-site clinic covers it. Now this due to the lag of time, addened to the stress of scheduling. Another point was about the doctor he had been to, but anyway neither the dates nor the price worked out.
When I called the on-site clinic, the appointment was 2 days away and only for 1 person. I needed it for 2 and that day. I was told to check at the other location. The other location relayed a very important information about how the clinics are no longer able to do any of the checks that would be needed for the I-693. Thats some more time dump there.
Eventually I got an appointment for the same day for two people. The timing was such that I had to make it to the obgyn's office now to get the tetanus shot proof. HIPAA rule as they are, need a person in person if they are to release any medical records. when we made it to the obgyn office, a dear friend there told us that we were very close to lunch time. As I was filling the form, she called her colleague to release the information I needed. Luckily I had taken the I-693 sheet referring to vaccinations. she couldnt print anything as proof, but filled out the date the Tetanus vaccine was given. This was a very Bond's moment.
Then we headed for the medical examination. the reason why it had to be today was that it would need a follow up for TB test, which could result in the need of an Xray test. We ditched lunch, hoping the complex would have some lunch place. we were glad to be in AC. Being early gained us time as we went through all the tests and got ready for the remaining proof to be provided. When I had taken vaccinations earlier, I faxed the proof to graduate college but never kept a copy. I had to take MMR and Varicella (Chicken pox) again. When I called the onsite clinic, they were willing to give MMR but couldnt give Varicella. if they were on top of it, they could have informed that they needed to be taken together, if not we would have to wait another 4 weeks. It was again a stroke of luck, that the pharmacist at Walgreens warned us about it when we told him that we needed Varicella and would be getting MMR later in the week.
How obstacles present to us is interesting. But how they are resolved or thickened too is. My husband's name wouldnt go through insurance records as there was some jumble. Not even the jumbled one. HR was kind enough to resolve it right then and said they could take care of updating records later as it would not be done in 5 min or else it would have meant another trip.
After that when we reached home after a day's long work of calling, being somewhere, being poked, it seemed that it was a good idea to get it out of the way instead of letting time ooze in.
The follow up day it rained.
After all this immediacy, with doctor office assurance that they would take care of getting records from the walgreens, we checked in with them after their said time. They were mistakenly waiting for the Xray exam results which were already in. Still we got it all done in record time and so did the revoking of the eligibility date. they too must have similar immediacy an tale.

PS1: How you find things that could have helped you only after you dont need them

It is an O Henry thing that one of the letters that I needed to look at and tell the health benefits people that the names were swapped was received long time ago but never made it to me. maybe there should be some colour code for the real mail.

PS2: In pumping machines, there is a small funnel that is needed. One day it fell down, For the life of me, in the sparse room, I couldnt find where it went. Not under the table, not under the sink. where else? These things seem to have affinity to corners which we ignore. When the second one (now you why there are extras, not just covering for things breaking down, but for the magician act) too fell down, it joined the first.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Unlimited Haircuts Membership
Olive garden's Never ending pasta pass
Like Never say Never, Unlimited is not really Unlimited. Lesson from Vonage.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why leaves change colors

reminds me of other questions
why some land is desert
where water evaporates more
why doesnt it rain more

A plumbing company logo
is phoenix in an inverted

This months calendar
a water drop with the smile
of sun in background
makes an angel of the