
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, May 24, 2015

First time

you heard a phrase
When you hear it again
you recall that first time
you heard the phrase


Yesterday, one of the apartment building looked as a bigger, whole pattern. Like the white with red roof buildings of Europe. Since then its a beautiful walk toward that side.


Rattle ekphrasis
"You don't just have to open the door; you have to rebuild the door" - Justin Dart

The door was never there
like you were never there
until the woods grew
and sustained life
that flew
that gnawed
that sawed
and built a door
to the woods
that vanished life
of the last feather

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Socrates insisted that we define our terms before using them - Michael R Burch

The rhymes and rhythms are my wet paint - John Whitworth

1. Define a term.

2. "Where the house is cold.." - The Examiners, John Whitworth. Reminded me of Tagore's poem Where the mind is without fear. What is your imaginary 'Where'?

3. Was Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle after Animal, Vegetable, Mineral?

Friday, May 22, 2015


Still Life Paintings

Joris Hoefnagel

The collection of life in these paintings in inspiring.

Botanical paintings

Measure for Measure

Effort at speech
Dusk July
Vermeer at the Frick
For Once, Then, something - those solitary moments
The reemergence of the noose
Lucid waking

Thanks to Measure for Measure, I found my favourite meter to be Sapphics, Alcaics, Hendecasyllabics, Lesser Ionics which I have never heard of before. I mostly enjoy free verse. I tried learning how to write formal poetry using "The ode Less travelled: Unlocking the Poet within" by Stephen Fry. As a creative writing exercise, it was great but now I realise that liking formal poetry is about knowing the meter style that appeals to your inner formalist.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Theft of Memory

poetry prompt:

1. " If we couldn't free it, we'd have to cut the line and attach another lure and begin all over" - Jonathan Kozol.

In the lake of literature, are many lures that instead of catching the poems caught 'piece of wood'.

In 'The Theft of Memory: Losing My father. One Day at a Time', author Jonathan Kozol slices the 'journey' of his father's illness which led him to lose his capabilities, join a nursing home, continuously ask his son to take him home. The son takes him home after reassessment of financial condition. Throughout the book, the author walks us through how he went through the decision making process, giving us an insight into what options were available to him, what things did he think of, how did the other caregivers, doctors, his lawyer, mother help him take decisions by bringing up points that he didnt think about. Fitting tribute to a neurologist, this book delves a lot into the author's thought scape.
The blurb says that this book 'is not primarily about a doctor's public life' but it is also about how the doctor's doctor failed him and how in general geriatrics is not treated as well as pediatrics, because it does not have 'future productivity'.
The author went through his father's clinical cases through his notebooks and accounts how he solved many cases. consistent Dementia. I thought it was funny that a spouse should get competitive of her caregiver's attention when she has to share it. The writing is successful at creating an image of his ailing father, genius father.

The Ignorant Maestro

How Great Leaders Inspire Unpredictable Brilliance.
The wisdom of the ignorant schoolmaster
"An ignorant can teach another ignorant what he does not know himself" - Joesph Jacotot.
Jacques Ranciere

How unconferences unleash innovative ideas
 "The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pauses between the notes - ah, that is where the art resides." - Artur Schnabel

On disadvantages of beaming, the author says that "Of stopping on the way for a short espresso, watching people go by, not thinking - at least not being aware of thinking - for a few moments? Give it up? and when on vacation, would you be happy to find your boss beaming up to you for just a short question?" (consistency of technology in a sci-fi)

In one meeting, the author asked the attendees to sing and dance and look at the participants. after a while, the audience didnt want to stop.

"Creativity in all forms of life, from arts to business to domestic situations, depends on our ability to recognize and explore gaps" - Itay Talgam.

Ensign Bickford recognized that they are in lifestyle business to embrace variety of innovations
