
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, January 6, 2014

Unity of Theme

Reduced to Joy by Mark Nepo

Made from bone
Poems for Women
Coiled pottery in To Speak of Storms
The Law of Spirit
Without knowing - A love song
The Throat of dawn
Discernment- Watching in the wild
Paper boats and At the end of the field
Walking Together. I have grandma's box with cloves in it. Mom, I am your memento.
The Promise of the Inner world
Reduced to joy

I have never read Mark Nepo's work before.
In 'Transformation' which begins with 'It could be the letter never answered' or in the eponymous poem - 'We never know when we will blossom into what we're supposed to be. It might be early. It might be late ..', its like the Russian Roulette - Joy can hit you any time. The joy of being human. A person in any walk of life can relate to the poems. There's spirit, love, bliss - Top human needs.
Our planet, needs this book to Calm.

Birds going Northwest

Going home
were birds in a long line
very few in a V
the ones at the back
broke the line
sticking out in twos
like they had something
to say to the one behind them
like the backbenchers

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Food Habits and Culture

Postal office

How and why Postal savings system was started in Britain.
Night mail movie


On today's birdwatch I saw some Ring- necked Duck.
I was quick to point that I ave never seen them before. But my birdwatching book with a tick mark on th Ring Necked duck says otherwise.
The book also says that coots make 9 nests before moving into one. they must get their building permits very easily.

Saw some burrowing owls too. A housing project for the burrowing owls.
On a dry patch of land there were many killdeer.
They all started flying away and some issued calls. It was in reaction to appearance of a Northern Harrier.
In no time, a killdeer was back to tapping the ground to whip out bugs.
Next to the park was a field and I couldnt help wondering of the different birds in the field. I was told that they would be different from the natural habitat birds. I repeated that abert Towhee's can only be found in the Sonoran Desert, thats when I was told that Mojave DesertChihuahuan Desert were all different because of their different rainfalls and temperatures. And that Antarctica is a desert.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Salt mine

After a long time, I went birdwatching. I brought up canary in the mines in a conversation and heard of Salt mines in Kansas. How now they send water into the mines and then dry the pulled out dissolved water to get the salt.

Friday, January 3, 2014

To the asleep in 1997

Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization

If you have been asleep or ignorant of what happened to Hong Kong in 1997 and you want to see the expression of the transition of the 'handover', then pick this book.

The book begins with the paintings of Luis Chan very reminiscent of the 'see if you can find the nine faces hidden in the figure' followed by sculpture by Antonio Mak in whose works you can see 'verbal associations'. This binding of words with works is prominent in art from the places known from calligraphy like China and Arabia.

The next chapter deals with display of feelings of the people through the temporary 'The Wishing Star' . Many artists expressed the onset of uncertainty in different formats - video, installation.

Public Art is well described. The rise of installation art in the Art Space exhibition is studied too.

Sep 14, 2006