
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hope forever

Whether it be the Berlin Wall, apartheid, the bad old coercive Soviet system, or our own bad old coercive business systems, it seems that any foundations not now built on the realities of human relationship are being swept away by the forces of our time. - Crossing the Unknown sea, David Whyte.

Standing the test of time or falling under.


.. but even during Lithuania's relatively benign interregnum golden period, quotas limied the number of Jews who could practice law. - Al Jaffee, Mad Life

The illustrations in this book are unique with all the mischievous acts that the author was upto as a child.


Lithuanian Lapta is similar to Indian Gulli danda

How did you view adults in your childhood? Al Jaffee was anti adults.

Fish pond

.. the powers that be decided to poison the pond so that they could get rid of pickerel and bass and horned pout and turtles and stock it with trout. - Mark Vonnegut, Just like someone without mental illness only more so

one question that all adults like to ask kids , 'What will you be when you grow up?'. Mark's 'I should have been a doctor' at 25 from his 9-10 yr old self, made him a doctor.

Once Mark Vonnegut brought home RSV. Contagion does not fear doctor. Therese J. Borchard calls the playroom as 'pink-eye pit' in her memoir Beyond Blue

I talked with Lincoln and Twain
and Dostoyevsky and played
saxophone with Coltrane.
- Mark Vonnegut.

Tree of Hippocrates at harvard from a sapling from Kos.

First do no harm
- Hippocrates
Applies to engineers too. Dont break things while fixing broken stuff.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Does a North rough winged swallow
feel the loss of a feather or two

As the bird whizzes from one end
of the steps to the other, on the bank

does it recognise the feather sailing
like a dart due to reflection

does it feel the loss as much as that
of a flying insect that escapes it

does it feel like the loss of a
toe-nail or an eyelash?

Two owls drop me an insect
when I look at them

How do the birds detect insects?
What is the insects defense?
Crickets are chirping away in India
Is it getting hot?

To a reader

a stack of books
is a bunch of cupcakes

A sauce

claims a domino of chicken pieces and unites them.


Seurasaari as an open museum, is not going well with me. What are such other jarring notions?
Museums are wonderlands. Salarjung museum is the first one I have been to. As a kid I liked the ceramic dolls.
Why would a cold country celebrate the end of summer? That too with a Bonfire.
The poem reels us in with the mention of place and Vendace but fails to take us along.

Ivory chairs in Salarjung museum.


Shrimp stain shows on white
Flesh color cloth would hide it.

white school skirts
stained by mud splash
on rainy days

Air displaced

An upright pillow falls
and blows cold air


Reading the above poem, I am reminded of the strong odor of cattle's urine, just above where its tail hangs.


legs jagged in

Its spring

the brittle bush with its yellow.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The sun is red hot
The earth cool blue.

Relative colors

After looking at Taupe and Sepia apartments
the eyes liken the green of the golf course
to an olive drab

Lake walk

The lake smells of water after sitting with it for a few minutes.
A kid likes throwing weeds into the water. Dried Leaves.
Swallows disappear. Their chatter emerges.
Cormorant flies low. Dunks.
Coots beak into the water like chicks. Shriek.
Men bicycle on water. The bank hides their water-bike boat base.

A Gila woodpecker ona stump is larger than when close to the canopy.

The reflection of an upturned end of a feather along with it makes it look like a dart, an aphid with imaginary feet out for landing.

A cash dispenser of an ATM under repair. Its sensors are weak.

A bubble floats on water momentarily.

As the water moves
so do the contour lines

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Phyllis Theroux views her brain as an unevenly frozen pond.

If I were to see my memory scape in geography, it would have some chasms and some crumbling edges, nothing that I would be scared to revisit. Two years ago, when we went to the Havasu falls, after going half way into that convoluted tunnel, my legs started shaking and when I was told that I had to climb down facing the rock, I gave up. I will try again. I want to go beyond and see the cascade falls. I want to see the wilderness.

Animal Affinity

I saw Mark Twain's Book of Animals, a while ago, but the text seemed dense. It opens an unknown side of him.


When I saw Mt Humphreys in Early Days in the Range of Light, I wanted to know of what others thought about it. After looking at the Married Mens point, I know its not the same mountain we are talking about.

Food Tunnel

If Anthony Bourdain liked his swearing 'Sparingly' in Medium Raw, it would be easier. But thats not going to stop me from reading it. The Last time I read his The Kitchen Confidential, I alienated my friends getting busy making alist of all the French dishes he was talking about.

I like his beginning questions, Why cook? Why cook well?
I want to retain a paraphrased version of it - Why write? Why write well?

no-necked strangers.. unclicheing the cliche

Wiffle ball game

When reading of how Mario Batali wouldnt throw the towel in because of the many people dependent on his kingdom. I wanted to know about his employees

Bottle service

The Brouhaha of memoirs

Some bashing of memoirs
What if I want to write without any healing stories? The power of memoir, a How to Write your Healing story.

After looking at Getting a Grip of Monica Seles ( the cover picture reminds me of the lead singer of Maroon 5) and Open of Andre Agassi, I want to know all about them but not putting in so much time.
Reading a description of Getting a Grip, it seems like a revelation that Seles had to be away for a while. Human behavior is so underknown. As a child, it is understandable that a stab to a sportswoman would just mean a trip to hospital and getting well. But even now, it wouldnt follow for me the emotional requirement to understand the stab event, react to it and heal from it.
In so many events of the last century, there were crowds taking part in the same. When it is a personal event, it must take alot to eve know your coordinates. In the cairo event, looks like in the spirit of crowd, things are taking their course but there is the aspect of some families with loss.

Not made up

I do not know why I am not open to reading made up stories on events in life. I was just about to drop this book when it said it had all of it. It meant in the diary form. Is it fiction? Lets find out.
After coming across Isle of Mull in The Journal Keeper, I looked for a photo of it in the google maps and found Carsaig of Arches. What a landscape in green and rock.

Thurber's bear story

Passion vs love. I would bet on passion that I can light than on love that others quell.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I take to the gate
When the tall frame
is locked
I leap onto it
like an Amazon

Monday, February 7, 2011


My dad taught me
to figure the days
in a month
by situating them on the
crest or trough
of the knuckles and
in between.

I am told infants
explore them all
till they reach
the thumb

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Variable lives

One cannot insert a dead friend back into ones life

Imagine our lives as tooth paste or fancy perfume bottles. There are some which have more glass than mercury. How much of it do we want, as much as our bottle can fill.


Lookign at the chromologically arranged poems of George Herbert, I feel like using a dictionary as the starting point to write on. Some use for the foreign ones piling up.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Objects of our affection
Hepplewhite cabinet
White and blue Canton from Kwantung
sea burial
Minton set

Looking at Chinese wedding lamps, I am reminded of another tradition. Korean wedding ducks
Dorothy Draper

Pictures as story tellers

Hopi Summer
.. the Hopis I spoke with were fascinated to se historic images of their communities. - Carolyn O'Bagy Davis

The curiosity of one to trace photos of land and people connects the children to their roots and the lying rocks to once hoisted boulders.

I have a picture of a house and a tree in a book.
Odd corners
John Le carre
Stanislaw lem

Borges Lectures

Seven Nights

Everything connects, but it is Borges alone who can make these connections, across cultures, across literatures, across languags, across time. - Alastair Reid.

Icelandic sagas

Monday, January 31, 2011


Like a sea poems consistently break the flow with a twisted sentence structure.

Palm trees

woodpeckers dig nests in them
nests of coir fall under them
dispute, wind, out of need

Versatile Saramago

When I read that Jose Saramago's book The Notebook is also a blog, I was looking for a shortcut. I thought I will be happy with the link at my disposal. From what I understand, that blog must be somewhere but only in Portuguese. So no luck there. I read the book feverishly last night. He is like modern Samuel Pepys spanning the extremes of a closeted writer and a person who knows all about current politics.

Jorge Amado

Rita Levi
Carlos Fuentes - Aura
Spiritual family of Saramago
Ramon Lobo
Enric Gonzalez - Stories of New York
I like the sound of Teide in Tenerife

Kerouac's diet

Which of Breughel painting has most life?
Like a Breughel painting, On the Road teems with life, celebrating our moments on earth even as it mourns them. - Jay Atkinson,
Paradise road

The first time I heard of Kerouac was in reference to the Death cab for cutie work being comapred to him.

Colors and sounds

Henri cole
Pierce the skin
The poems recall the plains, managing to keep the interest of the poem in all of its breadth instead of just as a line coursing through the page, zig-zag, left to right and down, repeat.

Listening to the lonely whistle

The Living fire

Maud Gonne

I liked 'Three Journeys'. 'Execution' and other poems which I would write in a single line show to elaborate on an experience.
A book that I will sit with to learn how to write.


Reading experiences

My Reading Life
When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloom'd by Walt Whitman - elegy on the death of Abe Lincoln.

A Dance to the music of time

"Pat, don't you think the passage of time is what all literature is really about? Poems, plays, novels, everything?"
- Gene Norris, Pat's English teacher.


I like the courage in Interim
Back cover

Her elegies are good. 'still' appears a lot in her poems.
A maiden lost in love is not down.

No rose in a garden that ever grew
In Homer's or in Omars or in mine

-Edna St Millay

If memory worked differently
our poems would not end in
rhymes but begin with synonyms
or end with antonyms

If it remembered experiences with
varying degrees
our poems would end in
er and est

Her sonnets