
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Food Tunnel

If Anthony Bourdain liked his swearing 'Sparingly' in Medium Raw, it would be easier. But thats not going to stop me from reading it. The Last time I read his The Kitchen Confidential, I alienated my friends getting busy making alist of all the French dishes he was talking about.

I like his beginning questions, Why cook? Why cook well?
I want to retain a paraphrased version of it - Why write? Why write well?

no-necked strangers.. unclicheing the cliche

Wiffle ball game

When reading of how Mario Batali wouldnt throw the towel in because of the many people dependent on his kingdom. I wanted to know about his employees

Bottle service

The Brouhaha of memoirs

Some bashing of memoirs
What if I want to write without any healing stories? The power of memoir, a How to Write your Healing story.

After looking at Getting a Grip of Monica Seles ( the cover picture reminds me of the lead singer of Maroon 5) and Open of Andre Agassi, I want to know all about them but not putting in so much time.
Reading a description of Getting a Grip, it seems like a revelation that Seles had to be away for a while. Human behavior is so underknown. As a child, it is understandable that a stab to a sportswoman would just mean a trip to hospital and getting well. But even now, it wouldnt follow for me the emotional requirement to understand the stab event, react to it and heal from it.
In so many events of the last century, there were crowds taking part in the same. When it is a personal event, it must take alot to eve know your coordinates. In the cairo event, looks like in the spirit of crowd, things are taking their course but there is the aspect of some families with loss.

Not made up

I do not know why I am not open to reading made up stories on events in life. I was just about to drop this book when it said it had all of it. It meant in the diary form. Is it fiction? Lets find out.
After coming across Isle of Mull in The Journal Keeper, I looked for a photo of it in the google maps and found Carsaig of Arches. What a landscape in green and rock.

Thurber's bear story

Passion vs love. I would bet on passion that I can light than on love that others quell.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I take to the gate
When the tall frame
is locked
I leap onto it
like an Amazon

Monday, February 7, 2011


My dad taught me
to figure the days
in a month
by situating them on the
crest or trough
of the knuckles and
in between.

I am told infants
explore them all
till they reach
the thumb

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Variable lives

One cannot insert a dead friend back into ones life

Imagine our lives as tooth paste or fancy perfume bottles. There are some which have more glass than mercury. How much of it do we want, as much as our bottle can fill.


Lookign at the chromologically arranged poems of George Herbert, I feel like using a dictionary as the starting point to write on. Some use for the foreign ones piling up.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Objects of our affection
Hepplewhite cabinet
White and blue Canton from Kwantung
sea burial
Minton set

Looking at Chinese wedding lamps, I am reminded of another tradition. Korean wedding ducks
Dorothy Draper

Pictures as story tellers

Hopi Summer
.. the Hopis I spoke with were fascinated to se historic images of their communities. - Carolyn O'Bagy Davis

The curiosity of one to trace photos of land and people connects the children to their roots and the lying rocks to once hoisted boulders.

I have a picture of a house and a tree in a book.
Odd corners
John Le carre
Stanislaw lem

Borges Lectures

Seven Nights

Everything connects, but it is Borges alone who can make these connections, across cultures, across literatures, across languags, across time. - Alastair Reid.

Icelandic sagas