
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Ideas for product

What  hurts?
holding your tablet with both hands

The head of a tripod

Did you know that the tripod
has a head
which wills to be corked
by any right sized
mount opening

The true spirit of anything

ADOMI 6 Foot Deluxe Fully Decorated Artificial Christmas Tree 10 Kinds Red/Gold Shatterproof Christmas Ornaments (141Pcs), Unlit

The true spirit of Christmas

First there is anything
Say Christmas
And then its meaning is lost
then you talk of its spirit

A spirit lamp is what I think of
so the fun is limited?
the oil/alcohol runs out
til you find new wells
big well to small well

you heart swells with joy
and when it doesnt no more
you go to the true spirit

like with law
you say letter of the law
intent of the law
why wasnt the intent
in the letter?

No contents says the

When we get the true spirit
do we go back to

spirit of love
do you go back
to noun or verb
or meaning of it.

The True Spirit of Christmas

Christmas warms us up to the familiarity of the same 'The Christmas' movie run on TV every year. Well two years ago.. 'Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus'.. was a new Christmas story for me. If thats so in the movie world. Book world too has its new additions each year. last year it was 'The Wondrous Tree' by Gramps Doodlebug.
This year's 'The True Spirit of Christmas' by Dorothy Thurgood Manning, a picture book with rhyming verse will make the readers reflect on why is Christmas so wonderful time. Yes we receive gifts but more fun than receiving is giving. The little girl in the story realises the value of making gifts with her own hands. The illustrations have a pleasant feel. All the gifts involved in the book can be used as craft projects too. A popsicle stick jewellery box is a cool idea.. so are the rest of the gifts. So not only do we appreciate the spirit of Christmas but we get to implement and share the joy should we want to make those gifts.

The Very Red Water works

Above ground
water pipe at the school
very red like blood

Second Know

We first know things say by reading. But how do you internalize it so you can use it when you read it like you know it. What I call the second know. Recalling something like you know it already.

How kids learn planning

Bambo Nature Extra Large Pull Up Training Pants - by Bambo Nature

My toddler is helping me fetching a diaper for the newborn. Some times I need two quickly. I wonder when kids learn planning and think that 'If I give two diapers, then she can use it or not'. With wipes, she asks me how many are needed, since she cant get more or they'll get useless by drying out.

learning to read to reading to learn
how kids learn

Poets respond

Things happen in a week
but a poet
has no time
to respond to them

A poem has come
distractions of life

Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015


“Wit makes its own welcome and levels all distinctions. No dignity, no learning, no force of character, can make any stand against good will.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lately I have noticed, that I am talking differently. I dont know my sentence till I say it. Long time ago, I would tell the sentence to myself, to make any correction (for example - not hurting others) but would say as is, not taking the advantage of the exercise.

1. You want to chose a carpet thats neither light nor too dark.
If its dark its depressing
If its light it will  (I said this impromptu) get depressing with stains and all..

2. Daughter crying at summer camp at a different school. She went late. I asked her of anybody else was crying and then made a stupid crack about how if she had reached the school early, she would have been done crying along with the rest.

Earth as poetry

“It is only when we are aware of the earth and of the earth as poetry that we truly live.” 
― Henry Beston

Seafoam is when ocean has seizures.

What would your poem be with 'earth as poetry'?

Stunning photographs

Icebergs look like Giant Penguins
On the right side, can you see
the hind of a bear

brings to light fifty other narrow egrets shadows