
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Lifes A Banquet

Lifes A Banquet

Very funny biography.
Robin Bennett has a funny take on everything - having a dog with him becoming an icebreaker.
Its funny that Bennett's 2 main rules related to answering restroom calls was not what he followed when he was about six years old.
"We were still allowed to have a deep personal relationship with tarmac"
"liberally creosoted once  a year"
Arran sweater

Teasmade and Alarm clock
"our address in conversations was shifted down the road"
In the later part, you learn how the author started the sandwich business, translation business.
Business is compared to writing.
How comic's sense f timing can help in closing the sale.
simmer to boil metaphor of closing the sale.

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