
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Future of Nature: Writing on a Human Ecology from Orion Magazine (The World As Home)

Its an absolute treat to read essays that inform and make one see the short comings of modern life.

Consent of the Governed - must read. new concept - corporate cloaking as individual for rights.

The Black Mesa Syndrome - cant wait to read the book on Bechtel.

The Faux falls - something totally apart from the world famous cliche of Niagara.

The Edges of the Civilized world - ecotourism.

On Waste Lonely Places - poetic

The Riddle of Apostle Islands - what is wilderness? Do traces of human presence mar it?

Beyond Ecophobia - Steve Moore's interesting study on Earth week curriculum effect in classroom.

These Green Things - The San Francisco Garden Project of and by Cathrine Seed.

Designer Genes - if cloning is unethical, then this is super cloning.

The Pirates of Illiopolis - PVC

Winged Mercury and the Golden Calf - The other side of 'The California Gold Rush' coin.

In the Name of Restoration - questioning the real sense of projects.

The Idea of Local Economy - corporate way of life posing danger to vocation is not the only bad effect.

The Culture of owning - interesting concepts of 'polluter-pays' 'harm-benefit test'

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