
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, February 3, 2018

China Pilot: Flying for Chiang & Chennault

First, I like this book for all the new places and things that it introduced me to.

The book starts with Felix Smith's individual experiences, trying to sink in what this new place means.. soon it starts including his friends Earthquake, Buol's experiences.. by then the experiences have turned to event level as is with things related to war and nations.

The book does not get impersonal due to the many funny things that he narrates.. like a chef using Vicks Vapo Rub to get the mint flavor in an icecream.

Then there is this whole world of aviation, the pilots, the instructions to follow, their frustrations, who takes the blame for any crashes...

Father Morse in 'The Rebel Monk' subheading came across as a very lovable person.

In 'The Kingdom of Laos', one of the king's speeches translated makes one wonder as to why even non-aggressive countries have to become pawns in war.

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