
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tree Boa, Gold Poachers and Pepper Tree

In Secret Agents Jack and Max Stalwart: Book 2: The Adventure in the Amazon: Brazil (The Secret Agents Jack and Max Stalwart Series), Jack and Max relax to their room to do Homework. But that is not all that meets the eye. They are GPF Agents with code names. They are called on a mission to find another missing agent and that too in the Brazilian jungles. Who knows what animals call that forest home and the mysterious trees?
With latest hi-tech gadgets helping them, our little courageous agents meet great troubles. How do they tackle the grave situations? What do they find in the jungle? Who doesnt want to go on this mysterious adventure?
The illustrations jibe with the text. The book manages to be fast paced within few pages. Action packed, Globe trotting.
A Master key maker which can fit into any lock. Hand print locked backpack.

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