
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Monday, February 23, 2015

Is the End of Unemployment here?

We have the rare opportunity of finding if what the book says works. Oil prices are falling. There's a push for increase in wages and not hurting small business while at it.
In 'End Unemploymnet Now', author Ravi Batra explains how the US economy was strong in the past and what are its ills now. He explains wage gap, its effect on the lives of middle class and the 1%. Tariffs, free trade and the role of congress in mindlessly increasing nation debt.
There are many graphs to illustrate author's points. With these, the agenda is clear, each picture corresponds to the point being explained. There are some examples related to other countries like Germany.
I like the fictional example of Bill and Bob, commoners who showcase the curren situation of unemployment and the economic crisis.

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