
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hunters of the Great Forest

by Dennis Nolan

The Hunters of the Great Forest set out with many tools - looking glass, scope, spear, walking stick, bag and camp bed. They help each other on their journey just like us. There's only one difference. They belong to a place like Whoville in 'Horton hears a Who'. They are double the size of ants. Its like Gulliver Travels but instead of Gulliver in the Land of Lilliputs. Its Lilliputs in the Land of Gulliver, who is actually a sweet girl enjoying her marshmallows by the campside. After running into a bunch of hostile, huge animals like frog, a blue jay, the campside is the success point of their mission. After their find, they go to their village and party. Their tools are now the find of a band of ants.
If the girl were to trace the route of the hunters back to the village, it would be a 'Walk in the Woods' from her perspective. You dont realise that it is a picture book, with the illustrations speaking for themselves. Each page has a clear agenda.

I would have thought that I would be bored of reading the same story book again. But its amazing to see how many new things are seen on a reread. In the first reading, we were concentrating on whole mushrooms and frog. In the second reading, we realised that there was a foreshadowing of these elements partially in the previous page.

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