
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The invisible organ


Antibiotics is something which we are very familiar with. I once heard from a colleague that he became lactose intolerant after taking antibiotics. Hearing from others of a 10 day course that the doctor put them on, it seems like they are on a strange journey. NOR too always has an interesting tidit about how much the microbiome in you weighs. Since its an ubiquitous topic, the subject of the book is very easy to relate to second-hand. If you think you havent taken it, then quarter into the book, you will realise its not so with the current food growing techniques.
Author Martin Blaser has used good foreshadowing techniques to maintain the interest of reader in his journey of H Pylori research and results. I do not think the appendix in any book has interested me so much that I had to maintain a bookmark for the appendix too while reading the book.

Shingles - Latency
Differences in microbe sof an infant depending if the birth was natural or Caesarian.
In Rome, women mostly have one kid, something I was surprised to learn at party.
Modern medicine may not be doing your microbiome any favors
Prebiotic nutrition 

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