
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mother of God

Paul Rosolie

Gliding ant

When the author says that he saw tropical birds as soon as he got out at the airport, it feels weird that what is a bird to the local is tropical to foreigners. From there begins the surreal journey of a teenager. while reading about his man eater friend, it felt like I could very well be reading a magical book or an Unlikely Friendship series.
Even though I had read about epiphytes, jaguars the silent ghosts (prowling in our very own Hollywood), author Paul Rosolie brought his verve into the subjects explaining the whys and hows. His love for nature and research shows through the poetic description of epiphytes tactics, gliding ants evolution.

To dream not just of glow worms but sleeping in the jungle.

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