
Net Galley Challenge

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Juggle like a Curator

My first visit to a museum was during high school. Salarjung Museum. Their doll collection is something I can dream about anytime. As a visitor, awe is a usual reaction after the visit of a museum.
The book ‘Creating Exhibitions’ shows all the inputs that go into creating this wow from visitors. The process and phase illustrated by Richard Cress is the key summary of the book. Wheel of dependent implementation companion is another sheet which will help you slot your experiences in the matrix of the exhibit’s mode of presentation. The authors have used lot of figures from various museums to explain the various stages involved in the making of an exhibit. With mindmaps and schedules it has a feel of a management book.
After this book, I can appreciate the long time that goes into planning and executing an exhibition. Next time I walk into a museum I will pare down the space into 2D and 3D displays, any displays that used a designers innovation in shaping up. The art pieces are their own wonder, but their installation, their framework too shape the visitor’s experience.

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