
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Where Art and Life intersect

What art is by Arthur C Danto


Sausage series

Yesterday I was standing aside having ordered an icecream dipped in chocolate and almonds at Costco. The staff went about fulfilling a previous order of the hot dogs. The receptacle was steaming. when she opened it, she brought out a sausage with the tongs. Later she opened a two tier metal cabinet which held the bread for the hot dogs.

Paint job

While searching for 'Paint Job' by Fischli and Weiss, I read of the blind that had been laid on the floor in that exhibit of 'Paint job'. The blind had been stolen. Oh, so thats why many ordinary objects go missing?

I went online to see Blinds for sliding doors and followed to the store for the ideas in the article. Oh my god, the ideas were so expensive. Does anybody use blue carpet?

Fat chair

I was going to say I am 30% art after reading of Fat Chair as art but not after some smarts from the above link.

Reading art

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