
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Writers in debt

 Elegy Owed by Bob Hicok

In Pilgrimage, the poet says
" I put birds
in mos poems and rivers, put rivers
in most birds and thinking, put the dead
in many sentences..."

Yesterday lunch time, I saw a not so humpty dumpty egg fallen on the tar, broken a bit. There was something inside. I went in to get a paper to lift it onto. My husband looked at it and concluded that the little  bird inside was dead.

In 'Soundscape', the poet asks
".. wondered why we call it
playing catch and not playing throw"
I think I know the answer for this one. I was teaching my kid to play ball. In the rhythm of throwing and catching it was hard to tell whose action I was shouting out, mine or hers. my throw is for her to catch. It is easier for kids to catch, than throw at first. From the kids point of view, its always a catch game. And if they miss, like one kid put it, you missed (you missed throwing the ball in such a way that it could be caught).

In 'One of those things we say', the poet says
"breathe and throw a party for the house when the mortgage
has lost its teeth."
What a time to look forward to.

In The Missing,
" a different girl with her own
missing eyes, her own beetle
in her mouth. ..."
With 'her own', spilling from the previous line, the poem gets surreal, presents a world to each person, living and dead, a world just and unjust.

In 'Elegy to unnamed sources'
"I've tasted your ashes twice, once today,
once tomorrow"

The abundance of baskin robbins scoop incites austerity.
In 'Very small bible' Jesus with amnesia walks around the dead.
The order of things is a nice swap poem.

Hyacinth cookie in Speaking American

Exercise: In Sunny, infinte chance of rain, the poet uses the happy dancing couple on wedding cake as the stage for the  real life events. Poignant. Look if any of your situations can use metaphors to better reflect the happening.

Cards fixed to spokes in Moving dayEnhanced bicycle. The only decorations that I can think of bicycles in India - beads on spokes, pom poms. Watch the sound made by clipped cards on bicycles on youtube.

I thought Making it in poetry would be like How to succeed in Po Biz.

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