
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A poetry course

I am taking Modern poetry course offered by Coursera.
In Emily Dickinson's poem I dwell in possibility, when my head prompted the answer to 'a house fairer than prose' it was like a love connection with poetry. Another poet started his poem with I dwell ...
In her Tell All the Truth but Tell It Slant poem, I actually wrote down the poem and tried to analyse the poem as the instructor did, word by word. I then got the part about parents explaining about the lightning with facts. I wouldnt have if I didnt know that in US parents use the 1001, 1002.. count to arm the child with science and dispel their fear.
9 contemporary poets read themselves through modernism.

When I told my friend, I am taking this course and reading ED. He asked me if it has symbolism. I didnt know the answer. Much less about anti-symbolism writing. That Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose is against symbolism. Contrastingly, for criticJohn Leonarda symbol means itself and must be understood for itself.

Parataxis, makes me realise my poetry aesthetic.

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