
Net Galley Challenge

Challenge Participant

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Real and Abstract

Author: Laura Kasischke
Some prose poems.

Before the poems begins there's a riddle.

In the poems too, there are three poems that are titled riddle. the poet finds the complexity of life of a single person puzzling.

'A wolf rolling in ashes' in The photograph album in the junk shop seems to be a line from the Bible but I dont understand it. There's another reference to Bible being saved in a fire that took the family.

How many hearts does an earthworm have, a question that you are likely to ask after reading apoem that inspired an artist to do this painting.

In 'Look', the commitment of  'a girl at the bookstore determined to read every f***ing magazine on this shelf for free' reminded me of Joe Brainard's determination to tear page 48 of every book in the Boston Public Library.

'Near Misses' is something everyone can relate to. 'I remembered to blow out the candle burning on the table beside me'. Good for her. Have you ever seen Ikea candle warnings? The first one had me hooked. Something that new parents need to remember, replacing the candle with the baby.

In 'Atoms on Loan', 'Who are we? without one another,'


The poet makes abstractness palatable by sneaking it in like mom hiding the veggies in your food.

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